My School of Life Wants You
Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.
Here Are 11 Things I'll Give You for Free Just for Taking My $1 Trial and Saying "Maybe"
(and they give you an idea of the stuff we cover in here)
Dr. Miriam Grossman guides you through in this important and absorbing presentation.
In four lessons you'll learn the central claims of Marxism and how to smash them.
You think (1) I must be joking, or (2) it's some kind of scam, or (3) I can't be serious. Well, (1) I'm not, (2) it isn't, and (3) I most certainly am serious.
This eight-lesson course isn't available for sale anywhere. But you get it, forever, when you say MAYBE to my School of Life.
Almost every business owner with an online presence misuses the crucial asset I discuss in this speech. Meanwhile, I've turned mine into an ATM. Act on what I teach here and this could be the most lucrative hour you ever spend.
Instead of being nervous and unsure of yourself, be confident and leave your audience spellbound when you learn and implement my public speaking tips.
Teach your kids the principles of business that will serve them well throughout life, and how to start a business as a young person.
Ben Settle probably tripled my income. He is one of a handful of people I've ever given a testimonial for. When you learn and implement his ways, which he covers in this special Q&A, you will rave about him, too.
Here's how a School of Life member built a recipe website that generated seven figures per year.
Here is a model for how to launch, and make lots of sales with, an online business or membership.
Communicating effectively can help you and set you apart in so many ways. Most people are terrible writers (the worst are the ones who are terrible but think they're good). I'm the NYT bestselling author of 14 books and winner of numerous book prizes. I will de-dorkify your writing, and make you stand out.
Tom Woods here.
I'm offering you all those freebies because you need to see how valuable my School of Life community is, and why so many people are raving about it.
First, let's start with the bad news:
Even if you think you've voted them out, they've wormed their way into everything.
I have heard so many horror stories about the latest left-wing craze breaking up families:
If the prospect of that doesn't put a knot in your stomach, you are made of stronger stuff than I.
We all know that list could go on.
It's about time we tackle practical issues like these, and dozens of others besides, before writing another academic treatise that will be read by 37 people, or hosting online debates on what the proper libertarian approach to cannibalism should be.
our members have done all of these things and many more. Whatever your goal, you'll have much more success in our groups -- where you get excellent advice, make valuable connections, and stay accountable -- than you can on your own.
(And if you'd just like to make some good friends who see the world the way you do, well, we have plenty of that going on as well.)
I for one don't relish going it alone against the media, the universities, the entertainment world, the mainline churches, and the corporate CEOs. I'm sure you don't, either.
Now we don't have to.
Here's a sampling of what awaits you in the members' area, where you'll find a small group to fit every schedule, as well as recordings of all the plenary sessions we've ever held, on topics like:
Great stuff so far, right? These are all people who see the world the way you do and who want to share information with you that you won't find anywhere else.
But there's plenty more (and even this just scratches the surface):
The School of Life drastically changed the direction of my business.
I had a business that was very rollercoaster financially.
I struggled with this business for 12 years.
I now have steady revenue growth, I've got recurring revenue, and I've got a successful business, and I completely give Tom Woods and [Tom's colleague in the community] John Foster credit for that.
—Alan Claypool
There is no part of my adult life that has not been improved since joining Tom's School of Life.
This network has helped me become a better husband, father, employee and business owner.
—Kevin Stokes
I joined the School of Life several months ago. I have to admit that I have been almost 100% inactive....
However...another member found my information there, looked up my business, and we just had a great phone call, one that could lead to [high estimate I cannot reveal --TW] of dollars of revenue for my business. If this is the only deal I e er get through the School of Life, it will make it worth it to keep my membership for the rest of my life.
—Josh Steimle
While I joined my accountability to get a side hustle going, an opportunity for a new job came my way which I had to go for.
But not only did my group help me get the job but they also aided me in negotiating [$X] more for my salary offer. It’s been a huge blessing to have my accountability group!
—Ali Rak
(TW note: Sorry, but a certain federal agency won't let us mention dollar amounts.)
Last week I had the breakthrough I was looking for when I joined your group. I accepted an offer from a local company with [an X%] pay increase, better benefits, and responsibilities that fit where I want to take my career.
What helped was your accountability groups, especially Barb Williams.
When I start my job in another week, I won’t be struggling to put food on the table. I won’t have to agonize over having to keep my kids out of activities they work hard to excel at.
Thank you so much for putting this community together.
—Derek Rinaldo
(TW note: Sorry, but a certain federal agency won't let us mention percentages.)
The School of Life's fitness call may have saved my life.... I have lost 60 pounds, gone from a 40-inch to a 32-inch waist, from pre-diabetic to no risk, and from a high heart attack risk to low.
This has been a very difficult year for me, and I have no doubt that the person before Tom's fitness call would have been handling it with junk food and alcohol. I most likely would have gained 50 pounds. Instead, with a lot of help from the group, I shrug it off and keep going.
—Dave Loffredo
It’s not a stretch to say that just meeting [filmmaker] Justin Hawkins -- by itself! -- was more than worth joining the School of Life. Not just because of the money and the job, but also because I know I will be friends with him indefinitely.
Just being around people like him and having honest, engaging, interesting and motivational conversations has been life altering.
Then there’s Antony S. He’s coaching me through my procrastination and is just a great person to know and have on your side.
And Barbara W., whom I have had the pleasure to meet in person as well as on accountability group calls. Dave the scholarship coach has been such a resource. He's offered help as my daughters begin their post high school lives.
Every interaction and conversation has been so valuable not only in its depth but mostly in its inspiration. You have begun assembling a group of people who are making a difference in good people’s lives.
—Chris Polster
I’ve just formed a mastermind partnership with a young lady I met from one of the accountability groups. That “third mind” formed Napoleon-Hill style — she and I are so excited. We will amplify results because we’re checking in DAILY.
This is a godsend. One of the most valuable contributions anyone has made to my life. We’re going to make you proud, Tom! Just keep doing what you’re doing. The right people are going to find you. This space you’ve created is magical.
—Camisha Riley
Remember Nancy Pelosi telling us we needed to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it?
There's so much inside the School of Life I almost feel compelled to say the same thing, but I'll do my best to run down all the benefits:
None of this is mandatory (how could it be?), so attend what you can and what interests you. All these resources are at your fingertips for as long as you stay with us, and any one of them could justify the entire membership.
We've obviously needed something like this for a long time; I doubt I'll find much disagreement there.
Our side has all these smart, ambitious, talented, and fascinating people — why has it taken so long for us to bring those smarts and talents together in order to make all of us stronger, in terms of career, finance, parenting and education, health, and so much more?
The other side is full of yes men who get their opinions from the TV.
Our side is the mavericks, the creators, the freethinkers, the geniuses, the visionaries, and the people who just don't care if the New York Times likes them or not.
Now that is a community worth its weight in gold.
These are people who see the world the way you do. You can speak openly around them. You don't have to hide your views. You don't need to explain yourself around them.
And it's that kind of group that's going to take you — your life, your business, your skills, your family, your health — to new heights.
If there's another community out there like the one I've just described to you, then you've got a real decision to make.
If there isn't (and there isn't), I think you know what to do.
Finding freedom in an unfree world — which means more than politics: it means being free from poor health, financial insecurity, ideologues brainwashing your kids, and a lot more — isn't going to come from writing angry letters to the editor, or arguing on Facebook.
It's happening right here, right now, inside the Tom Woods School of Life.
When you surround yourself with the right people, things happen.
Click that button and join me in the most important venture in our movement's history:
The Tom Woods School of Life rebills at $97/mo (or get two months free when you join for a year) after the 30-day trial period. So about a coffee a day, in other words. Cancel before the trial ends — it's easy — and you won't be billed. But you're about to discover that the price is a frivolous bit of nothing compared to what this community can do for you.